Friday, November 16, 2007

Raking Up Is Hard to Do:22

More months have slipped under the door and the warm, beautiful, sunny weather--the abnormally warm, beautiful and sunny weather--is gone. For good this year, I think. As the local farmers' market wound down, it was kind of sad each week to see the diminishing selection of fruits and vegetables. And it focuses the mind on the idea that eating locally can be difficult. We have all become so accustomed to eating any fruit or vegetable at any time of the year, but that's not possible without paying a huge price in energy. We plan to continue attending the once-a-month market in New Haven, but I don't have much in the way of expectations for anything being grown outside a greenhouse. Not in Connecticut in winter, unless it's chunks of ice. That's a successful winter crop in these parts!

Meanwhile, we waited and waited and finally got our community garden plot. It's a little late in the season to get up much enthusiasm to work in that damp, cold soil. The pair of adjacent plots we selected had a great location, right near the water supply, but it hadn't been gardened in quite some time and not only did it have more than its fair share of poison ivy, but it had a couple of decent sized trees as well. Our wait was for the town to send someone in with a front end loader to get rid of the trees and turn over the soil a bit. Now, we have a lot of hand work ahead of us--the kind with hoes and rakes and spades. No one can seem to work up the whatever it takes to get started, so it looks like it will be a spring project. But that means lots of fun with the seed catalogs this winter. I hope to able to report next summer that our little gang of five is producing all the vegetables we can eat, and some pretty flowers for cutting, too.

Next week, the appliance tale--I promise!

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